The world gets more open every day, bet on the border ...

Roniskabi, blogs, and article

Article body:

Do you visit roniskabi on forums and websites often? Do you go to only one site or many?What about loyalty to certain fan site? does something good? I think not, at least not in the class that is nowadays.

What I noticed while participating in many key there forums roniskabi undeclared war "cold ' between roniskabi fan sites. While it is understood to some extent, still it saddens me greatly.

The world gets more open every day, the borders between countries and cultures get erased, free software and open and pervasive services, but keep, and preserve building new borders and walls.As owner of smaller roniskabi fan site (ronioisi) I can see these walls is very clear. If you don't believe me, go ahead and try to get any kind of partnership with larger site!, in most cases you will not get even a polite refusal-silence only vacuum. Well, I'm a senior, can handle.But another aspect of this war is scattered and hide knowledge roniskabi. There are many interesting articles, blogs, directories, posts, topics there behind these walls.

I can with "border", but at least can refer players roniskabi articles most interesting there regardless of it lies the fan site or blog. that's it.There are ...My mission statement true.

Thus, here I am with blog ' Assembly ' roniskabi wisdom.

This is the oldest I maintain ronioisi:

And add the latest regular bloggers Blogspot:

Hi!, if you wish me to relevant source roniskabi exciting interest, by all means, let me know!

Let's make the world a little more open roniskabi!